Have you ever suffer from dermatitis? Those who bring the overwhelming discomfort, it can testify. So what dermatitis and the problems they bring it?
Dermatitis, one of the worst enemies of healthy skin are considered. The emergence of this condition can jeopardize all the efforts you have put on diet skin health.
In the medical field, term dermatitis is often used to describe an inflammation or swelling of the skin and is sometimes used synonymously with the term "eczema". This skin disease is generally characterized by intolerable itching. For people with psoriasis, scratching is the main and perhaps only source of relief. It is said that not the itching that can do a lot worse than the disease will help you, but even more scratch affected areas progresses.
However, only scratches tends to aggravate the situation. Although they can bring temporary relief, it can also irritate the skin and cause the formation of tiny bumps that seeps. And it's not all. While you are affected by the disease, your skin will continue to itch, and you can continue to scratches. This inevitably leads to infection.
For the treatment of skin problems like, you need to know what is the cause. Mostly, however, a person suffering from dermatitis do not even know what it is! But no matter what might be triggering the condition, there are general strategies that can bring much needed relief from all the itching. Follow these suggestions to keep your skin and your mental health, and save!
1st cool! Cold Packs offer great relief of itching and actually contribute to dry up the rash. To a good compression, folds a handkerchief or a piece of thick linen up to eight layers and soak in cold water or Burrow's solution. Place the fabric on the eruption for 10-15 minutes per hour. Another alternative is to use whole milk compresses. It is medically proven that the proteins in the milk does not relieve itching miracle.
2nd Calamine lotion, anyone? Although the application of Calamine lotion is not very elegant (he points to the skin!), Has proven this means can actually push the itching. For best results, a thin layer to affected areas 2-3 times daily.
3rd Try hydrocortisone cream. With hydrocortisone cream can effectively charming in the treatment of allergic dermatitis dermatitis.
4th Take an oral antihistamine. Although the-counter antihistamines can cause some drowsiness, they can certainly some relief from the itching. Just be careful if you are under antihistamines during the day, if they make you drowsy.
5th Request Repair of oatmeal. The next time you take a bath, try some oats to your bath water. For best results, use colloidal oatmeal, because it dissolves better. Or you can also try adding baking soda (dissolved in 1 cup hot water) to your bath for a relaxing experience for the bathtub.
Pay attention to your dermatitis and save your skin in the process. Follow these simple suggestions and you can be sure you're on the road to recovery. Now you can say goodbye to itchy skin forever!
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