Summer Skin Care Tips

Summer Skin Care Tips

Water intake - Take plenty of water to wash the toxins, often splashing water on his face.

SS - use of sunscreens, UVA and UVB rays with SPF 15 at least. Application 20 minutes before going into the sun and repeat every 3-4 hours.

Products - Use water-based products and light, not use moisturizer, especially if you stay in AC, where it dries the skin. Check the expiry of products. Store products in the fridge, set the instructions on the products.

Clothing - Avoid tight clothing and synthetic, that your skin can not breathe. Use to avoid to protect goggles and a helmet eyes and headaches.

Exfoliate - Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and thus soft in the tanning of the skin softness and smoothness.

Food - full of antioxidants in the diet, use of olive oil, fish, citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, grapes do well. The reconstruction of the loss of minerals through sweat through appropriate coconut water for potassium and sodium salt lassi.

The warm and moist can cause skin rashes, so tight clothing and synthetic.

The frequent change of clothes is recommended. Laser armpit!

People with rosacea and sunburn should avoid the sun completely and remain in the environment AC.

Do not forget the sunscreen. It is the most important step you must use to protect against sunburn and prevent the harmful effects of long-term sun exposure. Creams and lotions in a variety of sun protection factor (SFP) are, the higher the SPF, the greater the protection.

Kaya spectrum of clean toner moisturizer sensitive and can be used in regular, daily use SS.

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Tips Baby Skin Care

Tips Baby Skin Care

An introduction for new moms

One of the questions most frequently asked questions asked by young mothers, "What is the best way to take care of my baby's skin?" Skin of the newborn can be very delicate and subject to all sorts of problems different reactions. The following guide will provide general advice on how to properly take care of us at the skin of your newborn baby.

Cord Care

How to care for your baby's umbilical cord will ultimately impact how to look at his navel in later life. It is important to take care of this area, with care taken to avoid infection. Clean the base of the umbilical cord with alcohol twice daily. Make sure you fold the diaper size for the cable can be suspended in air. This helps to dry and fall faster.


falls until the umbilical cord of the baby, stay just sponge baths. When he falls completely, you can switch to baby baths. In the first two months of this, babies bathed two or three times a week. Baden is often at this early stage, the dry skin of your baby. Keep your own newborn days, he or she will not get a warm bath with a damp cloth over his face, hands, buttocks and neck.

If your baby a bath, use the hot water tap, check the temperature inside of the wrist. Do not drying water or water with soap for babies.

Baby lotion, baby oil, baby powder

If your baby has abnormally dry skin, lotions and ointments will not be necessary. Avoid baby oil or any other type of fat mixture on the skin of your child, because it can lead to clogged sweat glands and skin rashes. If you notice that your newborn skin becomes dry and flaky, you should consider for a moisturizing lotion baby. The best technique is to apply moisturizer right after bathing Baby. In terms of baby powder, use of powders with cornstarch instead of talc. Corn starch is quite natural, talc and contains chemicals that can cause a severe form of pneumonia if inhaled.

Diapers and towels

Each time a diaper, use a cloth to the area of the entire layer to clean. If your baby has relaxed, you may need to wipe more than one baby. If you wipe a girl not wipe the mud in the genital opening, from front to rear. If you are a boy, make sure to carefully wipe the scrotum can hide in the chair.

A final word

Bringing home a new baby is certainly a unique and exciting opportunity. It can also be very intimidating for the first time parents who do not exactly how to care for their new bundle of joy. With these tips for care of their newborn skin, you will learn well on your way to the ropes of parenthood.

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5 tips for a younger-looking skin when you go to an anti-wrinkle face cream to

5 tips for a younger-looking skin when you go to an anti-wrinkle face cream to

If you know, accompanied by wrinkles, fine lines, crows feet, age spots and all the other signs of aging with aging, so I know you are looking for a quality associated anti-wrinkle cream face. Why is your face the first place to begin to show signs of aging? You can see the front lines on the side of the mouth, bags and wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. They are very attractive and you can look older than your age.

Often these characters are not only associated with aging. There are many other factors that may cause your skin, SAG and wrinkles. Some of them are:

Sun exposure - Excessive exposure to UV radiation from the sun can make the skin dry and wrinkled. Use a high quality sun screen and wear protective clothing and sunglasses for your eyes protected. A little sun is good for you because it requires your body with vitamin D, but can too much can be harmful.

Poor nutrition: A diet soda is cooked or processed foods for your skin badly. Try to include on a diet of fruits such as oranges stick, strawberries, blueberries and vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, nuts like almonds and peanuts. Also desirable is lit, do not fish in your diet. Oily fish rich in Omega 3 fatty acids are the best. Fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna are great.

Smoking: Is this one of the worst enemies of the skin. It narrows the blood vessels and makes it difficult for oxygen to circulate. Stop or reduce the amount of cigarettes you smoke.

Drink water: Water is great for your skin, it helps to maintain hydration explore research and smooth. It helps also remove your body toxins, which in turn allows your skin look healthy. It is recommended to drink eight glasses a day.

Sleep: It's the best skin regenerator. Sleep helps to relax your body and helps the skin to regenerate. It is good to have a wrinkle cream night and a day use the cream, give your skin protection around the clock.

With the above tips with high-quality natural anti-wrinkle face cream is highly recommended. But for a look that the ability to produce collagen and elastin in your body has to encourage. Do not buy a cream containing collagen, because it does not help get rid of wrinkles and fine lines, as the collagen in a cream can not be absorbed through the skin, rendering it useless.

Before creams or lotions with a special Collagen Booster as Cynergy TK known. This improves the appearance of your skin and give you a younger looking, smooth appearance.

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