Water intake - Take plenty of water to wash the toxins, often splashing water on his face.
SS - use of sunscreens, UVA and UVB rays with SPF 15 at least. Application 20 minutes before going into the sun and repeat every 3-4 hours.
Products - Use water-based products and light, not use moisturizer, especially if you stay in AC, where it dries the skin. Check the expiry of products. Store products in the fridge, set the instructions on the products.
Clothing - Avoid tight clothing and synthetic, that your skin can not breathe. Use to avoid to protect goggles and a helmet eyes and headaches.
Exfoliate - Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and thus soft in the tanning of the skin softness and smoothness.
Food - full of antioxidants in the diet, use of olive oil, fish, citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, grapes do well. The reconstruction of the loss of minerals through sweat through appropriate coconut water for potassium and sodium salt lassi.
The warm and moist can cause skin rashes, so tight clothing and synthetic.
The frequent change of clothes is recommended. Laser armpit!
People with rosacea and sunburn should avoid the sun completely and remain in the environment AC.
Do not forget the sunscreen. It is the most important step you must use to protect against sunburn and prevent the harmful effects of long-term sun exposure. Creams and lotions in a variety of sun protection factor (SFP) are, the higher the SPF, the greater the protection.
Kaya spectrum of clean toner moisturizer sensitive and can be used in regular, daily use SS.
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